Scent, Sleep & Ritual
Power of scent to enhance your sleep
Have you lost the ability to relax and switch off? Do you feel disconnected from what tired feels like for you?
Does this sound like you?
"Tired for me is a heaviness in my head, behind my eyes and slower to think"
"Tired feels like low energy, an achy body and a sore throat. Plus I have low patience and a short temper"
"Tired feels cranky but I don't know why I'm cranky, it feels heavy, and I lose all appetite. My eyes get dry, my throat feels weird... And I also stop listening to those around me - like I physically can't hear people"
Are you creating the pattern of pushing past the things that show up? Enough's enough I hear you say
You want to feel energetic, spontaneous, crystal clear and power through your day with joy and vibrancy
In this Masterclass we will support you to create the space you need to let go of feeling tired and harness the power of scent to enhance peaceful sleep.
Julie Nelson & Bev Roberts
Scent, Sleep & Ritual
Offer 1: My Aromatique Journal
Offer 2: Sleep the kindest lover eBook